Automated nudity detection for movies and user-generated video
Moderate and filter adult content from your platform. With our nudity detector, you’ll get clustered NSWF content metadata. Not frame-by-frame probability scores but solid decisions specifically created for video streaming services and media management companies.
Seamlessly integrate the tool into your video production pipeline to cut costs and minimize human involvement with mundane tasks. Get results delivered within minutes.

Cloud-based AI for nudity detection. Ready to deliver
Automated nudity detection for movies, TV shows, live broadcasts, and user-generated content on social media. Get the tools you need to manage the increasing volumes of video content to expand your audience. Make sure that your audience is protected at all times by:
NSFW content detection
Detect contextually unsafe content bits with adult content in them. Frame-precise video clustering technology allows to detect nudity on a scene level and not to miss a single frame of it during the detection.
Editing adult content
Mark content pieces unsafe for certain audiences (containing NSFW imagery) automatically. Augment human intelligence with AI for content inspection.
Workflow automation
Optimize your video production process with automated nudity detector to effectively filter nudity-containing video content, eliminate human errors, and cut down the editing time. Scale the tool over hundreds of video minutes.
NSFW content detection and automated editing
Our AI detects adult content in all types of videos — from user-generated content on social media to movies shown on TV, original and licensed series on streaming services, and real-time broadcasts.

Social media
There are 1000h of video content uploaded to the Internet every second! With a high probability, some of those videos can be inappropriate. Increase the effectiveness of content moderation by automatically detecting explicit content in videos to make it safe for wider audiences. A completely automated decision process saves a ton of time on nudity detection.

Movies, TV shows, series
Be sure that none of the unwanted adult scenes appear in your broadcast. Deliver family-friendly content and special programming for kids on TV channels, social media, or OTT platforms. Our AI prevents human factor mistakes that may cause damage to your media reputation.
AI-powered content moderation on scale
Automated nudity detection for your video production process to protect your audience from inappropriate content. We apply advanced AI technology to enable CognitiveMill™ to match human comprehension in identifying NSWF content on a scene level.
Moderate real-time streams, movies, TV shows, or user-generated content to detect scenes containing suggestive nudity. CognitiveMill™ works with most content formats and protocols, allowing you to effectively safeguard your viewers and protect your brand.
Your moderators won’t have to spend countless hours moderating the content. Deliver the content to your audiences as quickly as possible and effectively process nude content reports from users.
Detect nudity automatically over dozens of hours of content effectively: CognitiveMill™ goes through a whole movie in just 5 minutes. Use our cloud infrastructure to scale the workflow over hundreds of media minutes of processing daily.
Leverage our nudity detection API to automate compliance
Increase the productivity of your content by effectively automating the moderation process. Scan hours of footage and detect nudity in a matter of minutes, get complete decisions instead of a simple probability score.
Effectively edit large volumes of licensed video content for your audience to enjoy. Have an automated nudity detection working over video of any genre to provide your customers with a top-notch viewing experience.
Be sure that all of your content distribution platforms feature safe and appropriate movies, TV shows, and other types of content. Get an easily scalable solution that works with video of any genre and delivers high accuracy results.
Enable your video production workflow to analyze the broadcast in real-time and efficiently react with inappropriate image detection. Quickly edit out explicit fan behaviors during sports broadcasting.
Scale the nudity detection solution to cover dozens of movies and TV shows in the quickest way. Spare your video production team the effort of manually editing the explicit content out.
Expand your reach over diverse audiences with safe and effective moderation. Boost the viewers' retention rates with high-quality content. Reduce the time it takes to analyze the footage and publish it for viewers to enjoy.
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