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About CognitiveMill™

The human brain permanently collects information and compares it with internal representations of the world. This is sometimes conscious but most of the time it is an unconscious process.

Neisser (1976) called this process the Cognitive Mill. The metaphor can be used to describe the way in which the external world and internal world are aligned. Objectively given information and internally given information are continuously updating each other via actions or stimuli.

Why did we create Cognitive Mill?

There is a need for the analysis of multi-dimensional complex data from the entertainment domain to slash costs and time of media processing.

Humans can’t rely on machines for video understanding. A machine is trained for seeing and recognizing, but not understanding and decision-making.

Benefit from the Intelligence. AI-enabled

What are we doing?

We are building a virtual media ‘robot’ in the cloud that watches, understands, and decides upon all video content.

We achieve this by applying heavily math-dependent AI concepts to complex multi-dimensional data.

How are we doing it?

By combining innovation with proprietary tech.

We leverage:

  • Machine perception
  • Probabilistic AI
  • Cognitive neurodynamics
  • Brain-inspired computer vision

One system. Various use cases

We are building a universal AI core that is able to meet the industry's needs in terms of scalability and cognitive performance enhancement.

Auto-editing and post-production

Automatically cut trailers and highlight compilations, burn in the subtitles, crop the footage to a vertical aspect ratio, and much more.

Ads detection and replacement

Have AI find advertisements in videos and automatically replace them with the ones of your choosing

Plagiarism and piracy check

Deep context understanding allows the software to find plagiarized content.

Timeline/scene meta generation

Enhance your production effectiveness and viewing experience for your audience with data extracted from the footage.

Content compliance and QC

Deep analysis of video content grants you better control of your brand voice.

Scene-level Indexing and timeline search

AI indexing makes it easy to search for things within the footage, making re-using content much easier.

Why is it different?

Our approach has no analogs in the world, as our system:

Ensures the full contextual understanding

Has flexible and customizable configuration

Is not limited to the predefined use cases

Anticipates the future industry demand